Happy Birthday Gaudi!
Antoni Gaudi (25 June 1852 – 10 June 1926) Happy Birthday Antoni Gaudi!-- One of the best Spanish and Catalan architects of all time....
Movie: If Architecture and Meditation had a Baby..
This video was created by 6 Harvard (GSD) students, and began as a project for their course "Innovative Constructions in Modern Japan"....
Working ON the Grid: New Product Feature
A new table system called, "The Grid" designed by RCA graduate Ying Chang has just been launched. This table takes the traditional...
15 Year Old Designs a Human Powered Flashlight and Wins Google's Science Fair
A 15 year old has placed 1st in Google's Science Fair for creating a human heat powered flashlight. Scientiest have been harvesting the...

Lamps Made Out of Repurposed Vinyl.
Did you ever wonder where all of the vinyl go after they left the garage sale? Yes, we know...we always have wondered too. I think this...
The New Era of Architecture..
Take a look at this new video from The Nerd Writer. He's not a designer, but he has a lot of thoughts about the evolution of...
This Video has Nothing to Do With Design...
....But I think everyone needs to see this. Although the stresses of life can be stressful, still continue to do great things! #love...
Glow-in-the-Dark Trees. An Environmentalists' Nightmere
I think the world may be coming to end soon folks. Yes, when I see stories like this one, I have no choice but to think that the end is...

3D Printed Cast Wins Design Award
Take a look at this new design for a cast. 3D printing is the way of the future, and this product design explores medical applications....

SOM Wins the Competition for Sweden's Tallest Tower
SOM has been selected to design a new residential building in Gothenburg that will be Sweden‘s tallest tower when completed. Whoa, check...